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Weird Encounters in Chess: A Journey Through Unusual Games and Moments


Chess, a game of strategy and skill, has a long and storied history. While the game is known for its elegance and classical principles, it has also witnessed its fair share of unconventional and downright weird encounters. Let’s dive into some of these peculiar chess moments that have left players and spectators both baffled and amused.

1. Bizarre Openings

  • The Bong Cloud: An opening where the king moves up one or two squares on the second move, defying conventional opening wisdom.
  • The Halloween Gambit: A strange but aggressive opening that involves an early knight sacrifice for rapid development.

2. Unorthodox Chess Matches

  • Karpov vs. Korchnoi, 1978 World Championship: The match was filled with psychological warfare, including accusations of hypnotism and complaints about yogurt flavors.
  • Nigel Short’s “King March”: In a game against Jan Timman in 1991, Short moved his king all the way from g1 to h6, a highly unconventional maneuver that eventually won the game.

3. Unexpected Endings

  • Kasparov’s Blunder against Deep Blue: In 1997, World Champion Garry Kasparov lost a game to IBM’s Deep Blue computer after an unexpected blunder, leading to widespread astonishment.

4. Unique Chess Events

  • Bughouse Chess: A four-player variant where partners play on two boards and can hand over captured pieces to each other.
  • Giant Chess: Outdoor games played on massive boards with life-size pieces, leading to unusual and visually stunning encounters.

5. Chess in Uncommon Places

  • Chess on a Roller Coaster: Grandmaster Maurice Ashley played a game of chess on a roller coaster to challenge his concentration.
  • Underwater Chess: Games played in pools where players make a move and then swim to the other side to continue the game.


The world of chess is filled with more than just classical strategies and time-honored traditions. These weird encounters remind us that chess is a versatile and endlessly fascinating game, capable of accommodating a wide array of styles, personalities, and scenarios.

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